건강보험 Better 5C

It fulfils the requirements of § 257 Abs. 2a of the SGB (Social insurance law) 5 and the § 193 VVG (Insurance contract Law) as requested by the immigration office. Compulsory care insurance can be included extra.

관련 법조항 안내 Legal requirements


100 % Free choice of hospital

100 % Accommodation in single or two bedrooms

100 % Treatment by the physician on duty

100% Cover of costs for patient transport to and from the nearest suitable hospital

Direct payment of hospital charges during Hospitalization

At the dentist (*Optional. not included as a standard)

Dental treatment

Option D1

100% of the costs up to a maximum overall benefit amount of 500 €

Option D2

100% of the costs up to a maximum overall benefit amount of 1.500 € / dental prophylaxis (preventive treatment) up to 100 € per calendar year


Option D1

100% of the costs up to a maximum overall benefit amount of 500 € for dentures and inlays

Option D2

100% of the costs up to a maximum overall benefit amount of 1.500 € for dentures and inlays


Option D1

100% of the costs of orthodontics if the insured person begins the treatment before reaching the age of 18

Option D2

100% of the costs of orthodontics if the insured person begins the treatment before reaching the age of 18 or if he/she suffers an accident after taking out the policy and therefore requires the treatment

Outpatient service


100% free choice of a licensed doctor irrespective of whether they are community-based or working in hospital outpatient departments or medical care centres. 100% for medical Naturopath treatments up to 500 € per calendar year

Remedies, medicines and bandages

100% of the actual costs up to 1,500 € per calendar year

Medical aids

100% of actual costs max. 750 € per calendar year

Visual Aids

100% of actual costs up to 250 € every 2 years

Surgery for Visual improvement

100% of actual costs up to 750 € per eye



100% of the expenses are covered


100% of the expenses for vaccinations recommended by the Standing Committee on Vaccination of the Robert Koch Institute, vaccinations that can be charged in accordance with the valid German scale of medical fees (GOÄ), including the expenses for the vaccine.


up to 25 sessions per calendar year


100% of the expenses max. 120 hours a year


100% of the expenses are covered

Maternity and childbirth

100% of the expenses in- and outpatient service is covered

8 months waiting period

pre-existing pregnancy is not covered

Waiting period

8 Months for Maternity and childbirth

Health examination 

In case of no pre-insurance prior last 12 months been existing

Health questions



10% of each claim max. 500 € per year

or 1.200 € per year

Reimbursement Limit


Minimum contract period

1 Month

Maximum contract period

5 years (from first day of entry in Germany)

Scope of cover

EU, Switzerland Other countries outside the EU max. 4 Weeks

(Home country for 12 weeks)

This table provides an overview of insurance plan. Cover is subject to terms and conditions of each insurer, which will be handed over to you after submitting our signed mandate. The basis for reimbursement of benefits takes into consideration all laws, regulations and specifications applicable in Germany. Medical necessity is the basic requirement for any claims. It should be noted that claims are only covered up to the maximum rates (Gebührenordnung für Ärzte (GOÄ) and Gebührenordnung für Zahnärzte (GOZ)).

주요보장 용어풀이 Explaination of coverages

Monthly fee for health insurance (Stand 2022)

월 건강보험료 (피고용자의 경우, 아래 안내된 월 보험료의 50% (max. 425€)를 고용자측에서 부담합니다.)
각 청구금액당 10%의 본인부담금을 연 최대 500 € 까지 지불하는 조건의 월 건강보험료
본인부담금을 연 최대 1,200 € 까지 지불하는 조건의 월 건강보험료

Care insurance (optional)

비자청에서 요구할 경우 포함하여 신청서를 작성해 주시기 바랍니다.
월 장기요양 보험료
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 3 files.
만 30세 이하 대학생의 경우, 장기요양보험의 월 보험료는 19.86€ 입니다. 학생 장기요양보험료 적용을 원하시는 분은 재학 증명서를 첨부해 주시기 바랍니다.

Monthly fee for dental coverage (optional)

치아보장 월 보험료
위 건강보험은 치아보장을 포함하고 있지 않습니다. 치아보장을 원하시는 분은 신청서 작성 시 D1 또는 D2 중 하나를 선택해 주시기 바랍니다.