독일 공보험 A

It fulfils the requirements of § 257 Abs. 2a of the SGB (Social insurance law) 5 and the § 193 VVG (Insurance contract Law) as requested by the immigration office and § 10 Abs. 1 Nr. 3 EStG (Income Tax law) tax deductibility of expenses are possible.

관련 법조항 안내 Legal requirements


100 % Free choice of public hospital (No private hospital)

100 % for accommodation in a multi bedroom

100 % Treatment by the physician on duty

100% Cover of costs for patient transport to nearest hospital in case of hospitalization

Direct payment of hospital fees

At the dentist

Dental treatment

100%. No restrictions on simple forms of care, such as Amalgam.

Professional teeth cleaning 60 € per year


Dental treatments are provided in accordance with collectively agreed regulations of the SGB (Social insurance Law)


100 % till the age of 18.

For retainer 90% max. 100 € per year

Outpatient service


100% refund if treatment by a family doctor, ophthalmologist, Gynaecologist, paediatrician, ambulance is carried out or the family doctor arranges the further treatment with the specialist. With consent of the insurer, it can also be an internist without a specialization as a family doctor.

Freedom of choice under the terms of the German Heilpraktiker-gesetz. non-medical practitioners. Reimbursement of benefits for all in the fee schedule for naturopaths contained treatment methods up to an invoice amount of max. 640 € per calendar year

Remedies, medicines and bandages

For insured who reach the age of 18, the self-participation is minimum 5 € and maximum 10 € per description. (Private invoices for pregnancy medicine & support 500 € per year)

Medical aids

For insured who reach the age of 18, the self-participation is minimum 5 € and maximum 10 € per description.

Visual Aids

Not covered

Surgery for Visual improvement

Not covered



100% of the expenses are covered based on the governmental programs


Flu shots, vaccines against tetanus, diphtheria, rabies, poliomyelitis as well as tick control. In addition, single and multiple vaccines recommended by the Standing Vaccination Commission (STIKO); out taken vaccinations on a trip abroad as well. Occupational activity for which the employer is required by law.


100% Psychotherapy for up to 50 sessions per calendar year by doctors and non-medical therapists without prior commitment under the medical need


Not covered


100% of actual costs

Maternity and childbirth


The scope of coverage corresponds to that of the statutory basic in case of necessary care.

Waiting period


Health examination 


Health questions



As stated for individual descriptions

Reimbursement Limit


Minimum contract period

12 Months

Maximum contract period

No limit

Scope of cover

Germany & EU

Monthly fee

based on income (Brutto)

16,3 % + Care insurance fee

(for employee, 50% of cost taken by employer)

* In case of under 1.131,67 € monthly income :  15,7 % of 1.131,67 €

15,7 % + Care insurance fee

(without sickday money coverage)

Monthly Care insurance fee (Mandatory)

 Family or contractholder with child 3,05 % | without child 3,4 %

Student monthly fee

121,56 € (Uni. Student fee is only applying age till 30)

주요보장 용어풀이 Explaination of coverages 공보험 신청서 작성 Application form