It fulfils the requirements of § 257 Abs. 2a of the SGB (Social insurance law) 5 and the § 193 VVG (Insurance contract Law) as requested by the immigration office. Compulsory care insurance can be included. This insurance can be contracted for up to 5 years from the date of entry into Germany. Depending on your past medical history and your current health status, you may be required to submit an additional medical diagnosis and treatment status report.
해당 보험은 독일입국일 기준하여 5년까지 계약 가능합니다. 심사절차시 월수입증명 또는 재정증명, 과거병력과 현 건강상태 질문 답변에 따라 추가적인 의사진단서 및 건강검진이 요구될 수 있습니다.